It’s amazing how easily you can pick up basic Spanish – if you stay away from other English-speakers, that is!
Whether you want to travel to Spain, Central America or South America, it is essential to learn some of the basics before arriving. Not only will this make the whole experience easier, its also a lot of fun to interact with local people.
If you really want to become fluent, you could take an online language courses, book a classroom course with a language school or do a homestay with a local family.
Essential Spanish Phrases for Tourists
The following list will be very helpful whilst travelling to Spain or Latin America. Practice a few phrases before you go or take a print-out with you. A little effort speaking the local language goes a long way and will be well received.
Hello / Hi = Hóla
Good day = Buenos diás
Good evening = Buenos tardes
Good night = Buenos noches
Good bye = Adiós
See you soon = Hasta luego
Where = Dónde
When = Cuándo
Why = Por qué
What = Qué
Who = Quién
How = Cómo
How much/many = Cuántos / cuánto
Is/are there = Hay
Please = Por favor
Thank you (very much) = (Muchas) Gracias
Excuse me = Perdone
I’m sorry, but… = Lo siento, pero…
That’s a shame = Es una lástima
May I… = Puedo…
Useful Words and Phrases
My name is Gabi. = Me llamo Gabi.
I am 27 years old. = Tengo veintisiete años.
I am English.= Soy inglés/inglesa.
I live in London. = Vivo en Londres.
How do you do? / Nice to meet you. = Tanto gusto?
How are you? = Cómo se va?
I’m very well, thank you. = Muy bien, gracias.
What is your name? = Cómo se llama?
How old are you? = Cuántos años tenéis?
Where are you from? = De dónde venéis?
Where do you live? = Dónde vivéis?
0 = cero
1 = uno / una
2 = dos
3 = tres
4 = cuatro
5 = cinco
6 = seis
7 = siete
8 = ocho
9 = nueve
10 = diez
20 = veinte
30 = treinta
40 = cuarenta
50 = cincuenta
60 = sesenta
70 = setenta
80 = ochenta
90 = noventa
100 = cien
200 = doscientos/as
300 = trescientos/as
General Responses
Yes = Sí
No = No
That depends = Depende
I don’t know = No lo sé
I don’t think so = Creo que no
I think so = Creo que sí
It doesn’t matter = No importa
I don’t mind = No me molesta
Of course = Claro
True = Es verdad
With pleasure = Con gusto
Days & Time of Day
morning = Por la Mañana
afternoon = De la Tarde
evening = De la Tarde
night = De la Noche
yesterday = Ayer
today = Hoy
tomorrow = Mañana
Monday = Lunes
Tuesday = Martes
Wednesday = Miércoless
Thursday = Jueves
Friday = Viernes
Saturday = Sabado
Sunday = Domingo
day = Día
week = Semana
last, previous = El/la último/a
next = El/la próximo/a
The hotel = el hotel
Have you got…? = Tiene…?
A room = una habitación
Double = doble
Single = individual
The bathroom = el baño
For how many days? = Para cuántos días?
I have a reservation = Tengo una reserva
Your name? = Su nombre?
Your passport? = Su pasaporte?
Food & Drink
What would you like? = Qué va a tomar?
as first course = de primero
as second course = de segundo
the menu = el menú
And to drink? = Para beber?
a beer = una cerveza
a glass of red wine = un vino tinto
a glass of water = un vaso de agua
the bill = la cuenta
I hope my list of important Spanish phrases has been helpful to you.