
Let me admit first, there is a bit of hypocrisy in today’s post. You see, I’ll be offering you tips on how to successfully drink around the world at Epcot, but I wasn’t actually able to complete it myself.

Nonetheless, I did learn a few lessons that will hopefully ensure you’re successful in crossing off this bucket-list item.

But before I go any further, please be responsible whenever you drink.

  1. Have a Designated Driver – Or Get a Room
    There are 11 countries in Epcot – which means if you are to be successful, you’ll be drinking a lot over the course of the day. Don’t drive home after imbibing that much. Have a designated driver or get a room at one of the nearby hotels (like the Boardwalk or Yacht & Beach Club Resort). Plan ahead of time to ensure everyone has a fun, responsible time.
  2. Begin with a Big Breakfast
    You’ll be drinking a lot. So if you want to last all day long, you better bulk up prior. French toast, pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, the works. Fill your tummy up, it’s gonna be a big day champ!
  3. Start Early & Plan Your Route
    World Showcase is generally open from 11 A.M. until 9 P.M. Which means you have precisely 10 hours to drink 11 drinks (one per country). Notice you’ll be averaging slightly more than one drink per hour – which is reasonable. But to do this, you need to start right at 11 A.M.

It doesn’t really matter where you start, just go in it with a plan: what country order you’ll visit and what drink you’ll have when you’re there. Be sure to factor in lunch and dinner too.

  1. One Drink Per Country – Period!
    It’s easy to get distracted with your end goal when alcohol is involved, which is why you need to plan out your day. Our group’s intention was to start in Mexico with Tequila shots. Little did we know, but the Tequila bar didn’t open until 12 P.M. So instead, we purchased Margheritas. But once the Tequila bar opened, we finished our current drink and went to the Tequila bar.

Mistake #1

It was wasted time. We had just started and we were already off our drink count by a factor of 1. Drinking 11 drinks in a day is tough enough. Now we had to do 12!

  1. Enjoy With Friends – But Not Too Many
    The more the merrier, right? Well in this case, yes and no. This is certainly an event you’ll want to enjoy with others, but too many friends can be, well… too many.

At some point, once the alcohol has kicked in, people start marching to the beat of their own drum. Groups get separated, drama ensues and time is lost.

So how many is too many? That will depend on your circle of friends. In today’s case study, we had about 15. That was about 7 or 8 too many.

Mistake #2

  1. Mixing Alcohol is Bad… But Unavoidable
    It’s never a good idea to mix your drinks. Beer before liquor, never been sicker, right?

But part of the pleasure of drinking around the world is sampling the many fine adult beverages that have been imported to the United States. Sure you could just sneak your way through by drinking Bud Light all day long from the outdoor vending carts, but that’s no fun now, is it?

Here’s a suggested itinerary:

• Mexico – Margheritas (or Tequila Shots): available at the infamous Margherita Stand or in La Cava Del Tequila in the pyramid.
• Norway – Beer: There’s an outdoor vending cart with Carlsberg Beer.
• China – Plum Wine: Visit the Joy of Tea stand.
• Germany – Beer: The Sommerfest outdoor stand serves a few brews. Choose one that suits your fancy.
• Italy – Italian Margherita (or Limoncello Shots): Forger the wine, Limoncello is the name of the game and you can find it in the Margherita in the outside gelato stand, or inside as a shot in the mini bar.
• American Adventure – Beer: Grab a Sam Adams at the outdoor stand you Patriot, you!
Japan – Sake: Available at the outdoor stand underneath the Pagoda.
• Morocco – Beer: Inside the Tangierine Cafe, you’ll find a small selection of beers. Have a Casa.
• France – Wine, Champagne or Grey Goose Vodka Slush: Les Vins des Chefs de France carries them all. For a special treat, order a Kir Royale (Champagne & Creme de Cassis which is just yummy).
• UK – Beer: The Rose & Crown Pub is always a good time. Live entertainment at night, and a well-stocked bar. Have an Irish Car Bomb!
• Canada – Beer: Moosehead it is at the outdoor vending cart in your final start.

With such a wide variety of options to choose from, it’s exciting just thinking about it. And with such a wide variety, it’s even more important that you pace yourself all day long.

  1. Make Time for Food
    10 Tips for Drinking Around the World at Epcot: An Almost Complete Guide
    After a hearty breakfast, you’ll want an even heartier lunch. If you time it right, the Biergarten offers an all-you-can-eat buffet that will keep you fueled up for the rest of the day. Or… have some pizza, a drinker’s best friend, in Italy.

Pita in Morocco? Not filling drinking food.

Mistake #3

  1. Prepare to Spend $$$
    Happy Hour specials are the deals that Fantasyland was made of. Be prepared to pony up $8-$10 per drink! Do the math and you’re spending at least a Benjamin on this day. But after a few drinks into the day, you’ll hardly care each time that credit card was swiped.
  2. Behave Yourself and Enjoy the Booze
    While there’s booze aplenty surrounding you, you are in a family park so be on your best behavior. Unlike the college parties, it’s not cool to do stupid stunts or puke all over the promenade. It’s a Fast Pass to being escorted out of the park! Your quest today is about having fun, so be on your best behavior.
  3. Stop
    Sure there’s a sense of pride that comes with bragging to your friends that you were able to drink all the way around Epcot. But drinking is hazardous to your health. So if you’re feeling a bit ill, tipsy, tired or just don’t want to drink anymore. Stop. You can always try again another day.

Eight drinks in and I was done. All had left was two beers and a plum wine. But I just couldn’t do it anymore for all the mistakes I listed above.

Attempt #2 will have to wait until next year.

Have you ever attempted to drink around the world at Epcot? What tips can you share? Leave a comment!