To see a whale shark has been a goal of mine, but to swim with them was a dream come true.
Between June and August, an influx of plankton lures the whale sharks up the Yucatan coast for a mega feast. These months are the best time to see or go swimming with whale sharks. You can also see them in the months leading up to summer, but July/August are generally the peak season months.
Cancun Whale Shark Tours
Mexico is one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks and several travel companies offer trips off the coast of Cancun where you can see these beautiful animals up close.
I booked a tour with a local travel operator and when I arrived at the boat docks our group were given a small continental breakfast buffet and a rundown on the rules.
Two people and a guide would go into the water at a time. Jump in in front of the whale shark, then turn and swim beside them. Don’t touch them. Watch out for the tail, don’t touch them. The Mexicans are very strict about this policy.
A 45-minute boat ride into the open blue, and we spotted the whale sharks. At least twenty other boats were already there. Dorsal fins pierced the surface and I watched people awkwardly swimming in their life jackets near to the whale sharks.
Before I even had a chance to get my wetsuit on, a whale shark swam right up next to the boat, its mouth wide open. The tip of its upper lip could be seen just above the water. Two people jumped in right beside it. I got ready for my chance of a lifetime.
Three times I went into the water, each time different than the last. The first time I swam next to four whale sharks. Swimming with the largest fish in the oceans was exhilarating. The gentle giants moved in a slow ballet while feeding on the smallest creatures of the sea.
Each time we were close to the tail of one, we turned and another whale shark would be heading towards us. The water visibility wasn’t the best until we were right beside the 25 foot goliath. The spots on the whale shark shown like stars.
I watched in awe as they would open their mouths and filter the water through their huge gaping gills. The fluid movement of their tails was a slow gentle swish, but enough force behind it to make it hard to keep up.
During the summer months, boat and nature tour companies merge together to capitalize on this natural phenomenon.
Absolutely Incredible
This was an amazing wild encounter that is worth the seasickness. A must for any animal lover’s bucket list.
If you are visiting the east coast of Mexico and want to do even more adventures, this is one of the best places to go scuba diving in the world. If you have never tried diving before, you can book beginners courses with local dive schools.
To view more of my recommendations in this amazing country view my Mexico travel guide. I would also recommend going snorkelling in Los Arcos.