
By now, most people probably have an Ipad, Kindle Fire or tablet, right?

I re-watched a classic Oprah’s Favourite Things show recently. A joyous thing to see grown-ups become kids again. I won’t be cynical at all. I just enjoyed the show. On day two of her Favourite Things episodes, Oprah began the giving by announcing her all time “favourite thing.”

Wow, what could that be? The iPad? Amazing. I was thinking the same thing Oprah! I get asked about my iPad all the time. Is it a laptop replacer? Possibly in the future. Isn’t it just a big iPhone? No. It’s it own thing and what a thing it is.

Why do I love my iPad? Let me count the ways.

Okay, technically they’re e-books, but I find that I read more on my iPad. In fact, the only hard copy books I buy now are those that are unavailable by e-book format or those that are special in some way and I want them in hard copy. I now find my hard copies sit bedside longer.

My e-books are read quickly. Something about not seeing how many pages I have left to read keeps me committed. I also love being able to highlight passages, look up words in the dictionary, search for key words, type NEAT notes within the text, and place e-bookmarks.

The iBook store is always open. So is Amazon’s Kindle store. Both are apps that make sure I have a large selection of books. A devilish way for me to hide my book purchases! Oh and the often talked about issue of not seeing text in bright light? I just move out of it. Problem solved.

Love reading my favorites on my iPad. I use the app Zino for free and purchased content. The magazines are bright and realistic. I’m able to increase the page content size, and flipping forward and back through pages to continue articles is a thing of the past.

All I need to do is touch the hyperlinked “continued on page 24,” and I’m taken there. Click on websites in text and the pages open in Safari. Many magazines come with special interactive features and content. Better than print!

I use the To Do app and create a virtual schedule book, synched with my calendars that rivals any Day Planner I used to have. The Evernote app allows me to clip websites I come across and pull them all up for quick view. All evernote clips are synched across my iMac, Macbook Pro and iPhone so I never lose anything.

I can download a few movies with my Netflix and Prime apps and memberships I can watch movies and TV series instantly.

Social Media
Social media apps made for the iPad are much better than those on smart phones or even laptops. They work much smoother. The “Friendly for Facebook” app allows you to stay logged in to up to four Facebook pages (password protected) so I can toggle back and forth between my private and business pages. The Twitter app lets me send quick tweets and lets me gain fast info about followers with links and home pages.

I can keep track of all my travel itineraries on a clear, large screen. I can check in my spots on Gowalla and see my earned travel pins. I can text for free using the Text+ app, and call people on Skype.

Cooking and Cookbooks
Several apps allow me to have access to thousands of recipes, many with how to videos attached. I set the iPad up in the kitchen and I can take my favorite recipes anywhere to share with friends and family.

Blogging and Writing
I can write and edit my site, which is one of the best travel blogs (slightly biased), on my iPad, and publish them with images included. I use the wordpress app for this. If I’m working on an essay, I can simply open the pages app and get started.

When I finish the piece I can save it, or send it by email. I can also open email documents that are sent to me. I keep a password-protected journal, and with the Penultimate app and a pogo pen, yes you can write on the iPad.

I can do all of my online teaching on my iPad because I have access to writing apps and Safari as my web browser. I can create PowerPoint documents. I can open excel-like documents and review them. I can create grade sheets. Any video or slide presentation I want to show at conference times can be attached to audiovisual equipment and projected on larger screens for group viewing.

People think this is what the iPad is all about but it’s not. Games are last on my list because there is just so much I do on the iPad before I even think of the games. The games are amazing and come as a bonus to an already incredible device. I play Scrabble, Sidoku, Memory Tiles, Word Search, Solitaire and many more. There is an app that doubles as a game board to open and play with friends. It’s just crazy.

Overall, the most significant thing the iPad does for me is to streamline my digital experience and declutter my living space. It makes my travel footprint tiny, packing lighter, and walking around when away, far more enjoyable. No more books and magazines to carry around. I’m more organized.

I can work, read, and play from this one incredible device. Add my iPhone for listening to music, or for taking crisp HD video and pictures (eliminating the camera), and what was once several pounds of travel weight becomes mere ounces.