Backpacking is amazing isn’t it.
Well, most of the time. But there are also slightly challenging and annoying aspects too. If you are a well travelled backpacker, you’ll probably be able to relate to these issues.
- You have the SAME conversation with every single person you meet (Soooo, where are you from? Where have you been? How long are you travelling for?’)
- The only reason you know the day of week is because of the daily bar deals at your hostel
- Becoming best friends with a fellow traveller only for them to leave the hostel 2 days later
- Washing your clothes in the sink
- Hearing someone brag about how they’re on their gap yah, how enlightened they feel and all the amazing experiences they’ve had.
- The one person who always stays up reading with the light on when everyone else in the dorm wants to sleep.
- The one person who always wakes up at 6 am to make the most out of their day when everyone else wants to sleep.
- Your friends list on Facebook is getting out of control.
- Eating out at a McDonalds and feeling a pang of shame
- Meeting up with a Couchsurfer and wondering whether or not they’re a murderer.
- Having a lie in and realising you’ve woken up too late for the hostel breakfast.
- Getting on public transport and praying you’re going in the right direction.
- Awkwardly trying to speak the native language using your phrase book
- Getting bitten by a weird insect
- Buying postcards for your family but never actually sending them
- Promising your family that you’ll bring them back something good, but then only having enough money left for a keyring.
- Trying out the local cuisine and ending up with a poorly tummy.
- Unsuccessfully trying to haggle
- Having a short-lived travelling romance and realising you’ll probably never see them again
- Sleeping in a bunk-bed as an adult
- Getting a memorable travelling tattoo which you instantly regret.
Are you keen to book your next adventure? View my tips for the best backpacking countries and get inspired to travel the world. Also remember to pack these items in your backpack.