It’s now February. Have the blues taken over from champagne-fuelled excitement yet? Have the resolutions been quietly dropped? If the answer is yes, it might be time to seek encouragement. If you want to “do better”, you could do worse than to pick up a self-help book. Every year sees an avalanche of new motivational …
20 Essential Items You Need To Take Backpacking
Deciding on what to put in your backpack, before a trip, can be a torturous affair. You put one thing in, take another out, and swap them around again, packing and unpacking more times than you care to remember. The temptation for backpackers is to stuff their rucksack with as much as they possibly can …
Drinking, Dancing and Partying – Hogmanay in Edinburgh, Scotland
It’s the 31st December. The silence of night is suddenly broken by the whisper of flames. The Hogmanay Festival in Edinburgh has begun with 150,000+ people singing Auld Lang Syne at the same time. It’s pure debauchery as a city empties all its watering holes. This is one of the best places to celebrate New …
Tips for Vegan Travellers in Taiwan!
Taiwan is a vibrant and beautiful island filled with great people, incredible tea, and abundant delicious vegan food. It is not difficult to find all of the above even if your Guoyu (Taiwan’s word for Mandarin) (國語) is limited to Xiexie (謝謝) (thank you) and Ni Hao (你好) (hello). The key is to have a …
Trinidad & Tobago: A Vegan Paradise
Who’d have thought that the Carribean islands of Trinidad and Tobago would be such a vegan paradise? I travelled to both islands last October for the first time and the food was as much a highlight as the weather and beaches. While the cuisine choice is varied, there are some catches – and the key …
How to Order Vegan Food at Any Restaurant
Whether you’re backpacking for a few months, going on a short holiday or driving from city to city on a road trip, chances are you’ll be eating at least some of your meals at restaurants. I’m also willing to bet not all of the restaurants you choose will be strictly vegan or even vegetarian. It …