As someone who travels regularly, I thought it’s only fitting to spread the good word of healthy living, but with a travel-themed twist.
Looking after yourself on your travels is just as important as doing so at home, in fact, it can go a long way to ensuring that you have a much better time all round.
Whether it’s common sense, or something you’ve never thought of as a health issue before, there are a lot of things you can do to make sure your body is in tip-top shape while you’re abroad.
Here are some of my top tips for staying healthy on your next trip.
Drink Plenty of Water
When you are abroad on a trip, relaxing, it’s normal to indulge a little more than you would at home. But while it’s important to have fun on your break, you also need to make sure you’re balancing out the beverages with plenty of water.
Drinking plenty of water is vital in order to stay properly hydrated. This is even more important if you are in a hot country, as your body loses liquid much quicker.
It might sound trivial, but when you are out and about sightseeing or enjoying yourself on a night out, you can very easily forget to stop and drink some water. Depending on where you are, you may need to stick to bottled water, as the tap supply might not be potable. Always ask before drinking local water, or just stick to the stuff from the shops to be on the safe side.
Eat Healthy
It can be a challenge sometimes when on the road to buy junk food, its usually cheaper and easier than going to a restaurant for example. But if you eat well, you will really feel better. You could seek out local shops or markets and cook if you have access to a kitchen, or just try to go for healthy options on a menu.
Sleep Lots
Get regular sleep. It really helps making you feel fresh, energised and healthy.
Buy a Hat
The best way to keep the sun off your head and avoid sunstroke is to simply wear a hat. For those times when you are walking around a new city, it can be easy to forget to protect yourself when you are out in the sun. A hat also means that you don’t have to think about constantly applying sunscreen or worry about sunburn on your face and ears. It’s also worth investing in a decent pair of sunglasses with UV protection if you are going to be visiting a hot country.
Lather on Suncream
Sunscreen wears off. Whether it’s sweat, sea water or an afternoon in the pool, sooner or later it loses its protective effect. If you are in and out of the water all day, you can sometimes forget to cover up properly which leaves you incredibly exposed to the sun’s UV rays. It is also a good idea to choose a factor that will cover your skin properly. This can depend on your skin complexion, but it is generally safer to stick to a higher factor and reapply regularly.
Keep the Bugs at Bay
There is nothing worse than itchy bug bites on holiday. Not only are they incredibly annoying, but they can be quite painful as well. If you are travelling to a place where you know there will be a high concentration of mosquitoes then it is sensible to take some high-strength insect repellent with you. Usually, the stuff that works best contains the substance deet. Although it has a strong smell, it’s very effective at keeping the bugs at bay.
Safety First
Always take a little travel first aid kit with you, wherever you go. This doesn’t have to be an extensive medical pack, just something that you can use in the event of a small accident.
While it’s nice to have a break from the stale air of the gym on your holidays, there’s no harm in doing a little exercise while you are away.
Running on the beach, swimming in the pool, or just simply opting to walk instead of taking the bus – there are plenty of ways to keep active during a holiday. This is great for both mental and physical health.
Do Social Activities & Keep Yourself Busy
Whether travelling solo, with friends or family, its always good to meet new people and do new things. It also helps not to feel lonely or depressed, and can be a lot of fun. There are lots of tours, sightseeing activities, sports and classes available to book all around the world.
Stay Calm
No matter how challenging or stressful a particular situation is, it’s always best to relax and just take everything as it comes.
Take Time For Yourself
Always find time for yourself, whether its relaxing by a pool, sitting in a park, sunbathing on a beach or just chilling out and reading a book. It will really make a difference especially if you are moving around a lot. You could download a meditation app, or do an online Yoga course for example.
Treat Yourself
Sometimes its good to treat yourself every now and then, for example a massage, or special treat, just to make yourself feel invigorated.
Find Happiness
If you are travelling long term and visit a destination you really don’t like, just go somewhere else. Don’t get stuck somewhere that makes you feel unhappy.
Get Vaccinated
Some countries have mandatory vaccinations as a requirement for entry whilst others provide recommendations for what to have before arriving. Always follow the guidance.
Buy Travel Insurance
Having travel insurance is really important no matter which country you a re visiting. Not only will this give you peace mind, but if you have any medical problems. you will be covered for any potential cost incurred.
At the end of the day, it’s quite easy to look after yourself abroad, you just need to apply some common sense! You’ll enjoy yourself much more if you’re healthy on your travels.