Spain is one of my favourite destinations, the warm weather, hospitality, culture and food is on another level.
Spain is famous for food and there are some dishes and local treats that you really shouldn’t leave Spain without trying.
My top recommendations include:
• Gazpacho
• Paella
• Tortilla Española
• Gambas al ajillo
• Tostas de tomate y jamón
• Patatas bravas
• Pollo al ajillo
• Cochinillo asado
If you have got a taste for Spain, here are my top five classic Spanish recipe ideas that will delight your taste buds, and keep friends and family wanting to sample more of your Mediterranean delights.
1. Sangria
1l of red wine, 2 oranges, 4 peaches, sugar, zest of 2 lemons
Pour the wine into a jug, add the sugar and stir until it dissolves.
Squeeze out the orange juice and add it to the jug. Save a slice of orange skin to decorate, along with the zest.
Cut the peeled peaches into quarters and add them to the jug, before popping into the fridge. Sangria should always be served chilled.
2. Spanish Omelette

4 eggs, 0.5kg of potatoes, 1 glass of olive oil, salt
Wash and cut the potatoes into thin slices, add salt and transfer to a heated frying pan.. As soon as they are golden, remove them from the pan and drain off as much oil as possible.
Beat the eggs well in a bowl along with a pinch of salt, and then add the drained potatoes.
Put two teaspoons of olive oil in the frying pan and once it is hot add the potato and egg mixture. Once the omelette appears cooked at the base, use a large plate to tip it out of the pan. Add a little more oil and slide the omelette back in again, this time the other side down.
When it is perfectly cooked and golden on both sides it is ready or serve.
3. Anchovies with Aubergine and Potato
6 anchovy fillets, 1 aubergine, 0.5kg of potatoes, 2 onions, 1 clove of garlic, olive oil, parsley, 1 glass of white wine, salt and pepper
Remove the spine and the head from the anchovy fillets. Finely slice the potatoes and aubergine before sprinkling with oil and fry them for a few minutes.
Place half of the chopped onion in a pan followed by a layer of seasoned anchovy fillets. Add a layer of potatoes and aubergine slices and pour on the white wine.
Leave it to cook on a medium to low heat for approximately 10 minutes and garnish with fresh parsley.
4. Classic Spanish Tomato Sauce
1kg of ripe tomatoes, olive oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 onion, salt, basil, 1 clove of garlic
Chop the onion and garlic before frying in a pan for about four minutes, then add the chopped tomatoes. With the edge of the spatula mash the tomatoes, onion and garlic as they cook. After a few more minutes, take off the heat and liquidise.
Add some chopped leaves of basil, salt and sugar.
5. Cema Catalana
6 egg yolks, 200g of sugar, 0.75l of milk, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 strip of lemon peel, 3tbsp of corn flour
Beat the egg yolks and add 150g of sugar.
Place the milk in a pan together with the lemon peel and cinnamon stick. Bring to the boil and then remove from the heat.
Whisk in the egg mixture, and add the cornflour, stirring until it dissolves. Return to a low heat, stirring constantly.
Leave to cool and then refrigerate. Before serving add a little sugar to the top and caramelise.
If you want a little reminder of Spain and are feeling the post holiday blues when you return, prepare a quick dish to give you that unforgettable holiday feeling. These simple and tested recipes will impress your family and friends alike. You might also like to view my favourite egg recipes.