Amongst the many restaurants which can be found in and around Barcelona, there are some excellent choices when it comes to places to eat seafood.
Given its coastal location, seafood is popular with the locals and visitors and there are so many excellent seafood restaurants to visit.
Below are some of the my favourite seafood restaurants in Barcelona which you really need to go.
1. Mariscco Corsega (Carrer Corsega)
This is one of the most popular restaurants due to the fact that the customer can hand pick the seafood Barri Gotic hotelswhich they will eat. The price of the food varies depending on its size and weight, so if you only fancy a small portion you will pay a smaller price.
2. La Paradeta (Calle Comercial)
The Shellfish on offer here give you a great reason to be selfish. The food is self service which creates a really relaxing and informal experience. This is a chain of restaurants which can be found along this coast line, meaning that the standards are high and the experience is great.
3. La Barca del Pescador (Calle de Mallorca)
This is one of the most established restaurants in Barcelona having been around for over 40 years. The menu is truly diverse and people love coming here as they associate it with great quality food and drink.
4. 7 Portes (Passeig d’Isabel II)
By visiting 7 Portes you can dine in a truly classic Spanish environment. The restaurant was founded in the mid 19th century and is renowned for the quality of paella on offer. Great tapas, traditional Catalan dishes and high standard service keep the clients coming back to this city centre sea food delight.
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You might like to view more recommendations on my Barcelona travel guide.